Pavan Kumar Undavalli
Present designation: Sr Data Analyst
Area of specialisation
Data processing, logical scrutiny, uploading and synchronizing data from Palm Tops
Data analysis using SPSS and SAS
Key qualifications
Responsible for handling the data processing including data coding and analysis of data of all the research projects undertaken in social and market research . Has extensive knowledge of a wide variety of analytical methods and techniques..
Projects handled include
Data processing and analysis of BTS-1 and II for Alliance and HLFPPT
Data processing and analysis of APMAR for PSI, Bangalore
Developed Data entry program in CSPro and Involved in Data validation in SPSS of NREGS study
Developed Data entry program in CSPro and involved in Data preparation of Savings study for IFMR
Developed data entry program in CSPro and processed the data of huge sample in SPSS of Prescription study for ASCI/FHI
Has actively participated in monitoring the Field work and data uploading from Palm tops of Migration and HIV Linkage study for Pop Council
Supervision of data processing for DLHS-3
M. Sc - Statistics