Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Co-Founder, CEO and Executive Director
DR UV Somayajulu
Has M Sc in Statistics, MA in Sociology, MBA, M Phil and Ph D in Population Studies. Internationally recognised as one of the experts in his field, He has more than 25 years of experience in Social and Development sector research. He has coordinated more than 400 research studies on health, education, gender, rural development, urban development, poverty, sexual health, reproductive health, child health, nutrition, CSR, governance, innovation, HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation, social marketing, climate change, energy, transport etc. Carried out studies for UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNAIDS, DFID, PSI, IPAS, Abt Associates, ICRW, Johns Hopkins University, Paris School of Economics, Boston University, FHI 360, He was a consultant with the European Union for Evaluation of the Research Proposals for Social Sciences and Humanities under Frame Work Programme 7 involving remote evaluation and consensus meetings at E.U. Head Quarter, Brussels. A regular attendee and paper presenter at prestigious international conferences across the world from Brazil, U.S., Switzerland, Beijing, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, France, Kenya, Cairo, Manchester, Morocco, Thailand, Islamabad, Dhaka to Mumbai and Delhi.
Author of 9 edited volumes, 110 papers published in Edited Books, and Journals, and presented at International and National Conferences/Seminars
Member of more than a dozen International and National Professional Associations of repute, like IUSSP, PERN, APA, UAPS, IASP, ISLE, IASSH, Red Cross, etc
Served various prestigious professional associations as General Secretary (IASP, IASSH), Vice President (IASSH), Executive Board Member(International Society for Urban Health)
Visiting Faculty to multiple prestigious academic institutions such as Delhi University, JNU, TERI, TERI University, IGNOU, TISS, etc

Dr KVR Subrahmanyam
A professional with more than three decades of experience in Scio-Economic, Demographic and Health surveys. Has M A in Applied Economics from Andhra University, Masters in Population Studies (MPS) from IIPS and PhD from Andhra University. Worked with Population Research Center (PRC), Andhra University as Researcher Investigator.
His of specializations is Population Policies and programmes, Reproductive and Child Health, Fertility and Family Planning. He was TCDC Consultant for the FAO project on Best Practices in Micro-Finance Management At Zambia during January April, 2000, Socio-Economic, Demographic and Health Surveys at Agro-Economic Research Centreand Population Research Centre, Andhra University. Proficiency in drafting of Project Reports, Carried out DLHS-1, 2 and 3 in Andhra Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands Monitored DLHS in Andhra Pradesh, Field Supervision of NFHS-1 in Andhra Pradesh, Carried out Demographic and Health Survey for Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Expertise in developing Proposals, Tools, Design and methodology for Demographic and Health Surveys, Talent in Training the Field Investigators, Expertise in Field Operations and Quality Checks, Skill in analysis of data and report Writing.

Permanent Advisors
Prof. (Dr) K Srinivasan
Permanent Advisor. He is an M Stat from ISI, M S from Harvard University and Ph D in Demography. Was Director (and is Professor Emeritus) of IIPS. Close to four decades of experience in population and health research. Actively associated with a number of policy commissions / committees of national and international importance. Author of several papers, books and reports.